Angus Beef Ireland certify under licence from the Irish Aberdeen Angus Association.
Here are the rules for animals to qualify for the scheme:
- All animals must be sired by a registered pedigree AA bull.
- The animal’s passports must confirm the animal’s breed as AA or AAX.
- All members must be BBQA ( Bord Bia Quality Assured) and the animal must meet the Bord Bia Sustainanble Beef and Lamb Assurance Scheme (SBLAS) residency requirements, i.e. is resident on a Bord Bia certified farm (or farms) for a minimum of 70 days prior to slaughter.
- Only soft / scur horns are acceptable on AAX animals.
- All animals must pass a visual inspection to adhere to the Angus breed traits.
This inspection looks for:
- Typically black, but not always.
- Angus type head, broad at forehead with short nose/face.
- Scurs can be found on some cattle (if crossbred).
- Dairy herd Angus cattle may have white markings on forehead, under belly and lower hind limbs.
Herd and tag numbers are checked by Angus Beef Ireland.
Angus Beef Ireland approve certification.
Angus Beef Ireland recommends that farmers are aware of what carcass grades and weights carry the factory’s bonus payment.